للبيع جهاز سونار Sono Scape M22 جودة الصورة عالية الوضوح
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اجهزة سونار جديده ومستعمله للبيع
تم تصميم M22 ، أحدث نظام دوبلر ملون من SonoScape M22 ، خصيصًا لمجموعة كاملة من التطبيقات ، بما في ذلك الأشعة ، القلب والأوعية الدموية ، OB / GYN وغيرها. يتميز هذا النظام بتصميمات مريحة مبتكرة وأحدث تقنيات الموجات فوق
الصوتية احدث جهاز سونار سونو سكيب . كنظام الموجات فوق الصوتية المحسن لسير العمل ، يجمع M22 بين شاشة مقاس 17 بوصة ولوحة شاشة تعمل باللمس معًا مع توفير تدفق العمل الأكثر سلاسة الذي جربه الأطباء على الإطلاق.تعد جودة الصورة عالية الوضوح قوة أخرى لـ M22.
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جهاز سونار |
Description Sono Scape M22
M22, the newest color Doppler system from SonoScape, is specially designed for a full range of applications, including Radiology, Cardiovascular, OB/GYN and others. This system is featured with innovative ergonomic designs and the latest in ultrasound technologies. As a workflow-enhanced ultrasound system, M22, combines a 17" monitor with a touch screen panel together while providing the smoothest work flow doctors have ever experienced. The high definition image quality is another strength for the M22.
شركات اجهزة سونار فى مصر |
شراء جهاز سونار |
• High Quality Noise Filter Sono Scape M22
HQNF technology can efficiently reduce the Doppler signal noise of the ultrasound system, providing improved color, flow and spectral Doppler images.
• M-tuning Sono Scape M22
M-tuning is a one button image optimization technology, providing you quick B-mode and Spectral Doppler imaging optimization by clicking one button. It can shorten examination time and ensure optimal results and a more accurate diagnosis.
• Multi-beam Parallel Processing Technology
Multi-beam parallel processing technology can enhance lateral and time resolution, to dramatically help the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and also lays a good foundation for real-time 3D imaging.
• Real-time 3D(4D) Sono Scape M22
This premium technology is often used in obstetric ultrasonography, providing real time three dimensional images of the fetus. Many high-end features, such as multi-slice and clip plane, will help you make detailed and accurate analysis. 17" high resolution widescreen LCD with articulated arm to minimize fatigue on eyes and shoulders during daily operation. . The large touch screen providing quick access to adjust parameters and system controls.
•u-Scan Sono Scape M22
Convenient front and back handles and four wheels with locks allows for easy transportation.
-Scan uses real-time image processing algorithms to eliminate speckle and noise artifacts, enhancing tissue margins and borders by correcting discontinuity between different regions allowing improved visualization of real tissue information. Standard four sockets are universal for all types of transducers, including special probes like TEE, 4D, Bi-plane and intraoperative transducers.
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